Education is one of the fundamental pillars of life and, like practically everything today, it is in constant development and evolution. In an era where everything seems completely digital, those who have the vocation to teach must adapt to the needs of students and society as a whole and, as this is also variable, over time certain teaching methods have appeared that differ from the traditional model.
One of the most common and well-known forms is the Virtual schoolbut depending on the culture and the region of the world in which one is located, there is an interesting offer. These do not only differ in the way in which knowledge is imparted, but they also have an influence on the interaction of students with information and the development of skills that will undoubtedly serve them in the future.
What is Homeschool and what place does it occupy in Colombia?
Although this type of teaching is popular in many countries around the world, it has grown enormously in Colombia, as it is a methodology that is gaining more and more followers. It is based on home education and is given through an educational approach where parents or guardians in charge of the students are primarily responsible for the education, replacing traditional teaching.
Homeschooling has gained ground in recent years because it is flexible, personalized, and able to adapt to the needs of each person. In addition, it is capable of strengthening family ties and the understanding of values ​​and principles.
In Colombia and other Latin American countries, this type of teaching can be done through different methods that adapt to the tastes and needs of each person. The guidelines of an already established model can be followed as a guide or a curriculum can be designed according to the family's available resources.
But, regardless of the method chosen, it is important to have careful planning and an optimal structure in place to establish a study schedule, organize extracurricular activities, search for educational material, and conduct evaluations to determine student progress.
The importance of student interaction with each other should not be overlooked, especially when it comes to young children. In this way, and thanks to participation in study groups or other types of activities, ties with their peers are also strengthened and they learn to live together in a group, giving rise to skills, abilities, values ​​and principles.
In Colombia and Latin America there are schools that offer study programs of this type such as Virtual schoolwhere teaching is innovative and personalized and, in addition, being bilingual, classes can be taken from anywhere.
Discover the advantages of homeschooling
Homeschooling has become, over time, one of the most interesting methodologies in terms of education, and this is partly due to the wide range of advantages it offers.
1. Personalized education: the student receives the full attention of the person teaching.
2. Greater participation: Because the teacher/student relationship is so close and personalized, the student may feel the need to become more involved or participate more in class as a result of the trust that exists.
3. Adaptability: Since there is no need to adapt to a specific group and the teaching is personalized, the teacher can conduct the class taking into account the student's skills or abilities. In this way, good results can be achieved in a short time.
4. Flexibility: Although time is no longer an issue for this study methodology, the ideal is to create a specific study schedule and stick to it in order to create an appropriate routine.
5. Observation of reality: Since teaching and learning take place at home, the environment cooperates greatly so that discovery or curiosity about certain topics occurs in a more natural and practical way, beyond reinforcing knowledge with the appropriate study material.
6. Extracurricular activities: Classical education does not contemplate exploring other fields of knowledge, but, with the homeschooling methodology, when the proposed curriculum is finished, it can be extended to other areas that interest the student.
7. Strengthening family relationships: Homeschooling takes place in a family environment and, as a result, family ties can be strengthened and deepened.
8. Avoid displacement: In many cases, going to a place to study involves spending money, regardless of whether the trip is by public transport or in one's own vehicle. In this way, homeschooling represents a way to save time and money.
9. Bullying prevention: Students have less contact with their peers or fewer interactions than they would have with a traditional education. Because education is provided in a safer and more enjoyable environment, students will not have to deal with situations of violence, intimidation, teasing or pressure from their peers.
What should be considered before choosing homeschooling?
Before defining a teaching methodology, it is important to consider the idea that, whatever is chosen, the decision will condition the future of the student and of the adults. For this, it is important to take into account certain factors such as:
- Age: Depending on the student's age, it can be analyzed whether it is best for them to spend time with their peers or if they are capable of greater concentration when studying at home.
- Academic ability: Although homeschooling is recommended for everyone, it is usually chosen for those children who are shy or introverted.
- Family schedule: It is essential that the person teaching has a wide or complete availability of hours, otherwise it can lead to family stress and cause problems with the organization. (Read also: The 7 professional careers with the most future in the modern world)
What can be done to help students adapt to this methodology?
Although parents are considered to be their children's first teachers, homeschooling is the most literal adaptation of this phrase. Since education takes place within the family and at home, it is important that those receiving it are aware of the importance of this, beyond the advantages and convenience.
In order for students to be engaged and able to adapt to this educational approach, it is important to create a daily routine in which all family members are involved, to design a space for students at home where they can study and complete assignments, in addition to having the necessary tools or materials such as Wi-Fi, school supplies, and a suitable desk and chair, among others.
It is also important that teachers review the activities carried out, the evaluations and assignments on a daily basis, as well as keep track of the extracurricular activities that are chosen, the pending tasks that the students have and what their daily schedule is like.